featured Holiday

Perhentian #2Trip

Monday, August 24, 2015Unknown

Alhamdulillah. I’ve got the chance to go on a trip with my high school friends for the first time.

Pulau Perhentian (3D2N)

Perhentian Kecil

Think we’re bagpackers? No no. Not really. This trip was actually under a package (RM300). It was a nice package I can say. Truthfully, it doesn’t cost you a tight schedule.
Though I was nearly exploded when we first arrived at the jetty, but it is okay. There are always some unavoidable circumstances happen along the way. No doubt I’m a short-tempered person, seriously.

So our trip started with a super speed boat heading off to the island. It was totally fun like your butt flying when the boat hits the big waves, and also your tudung waving like a stunning international model (overly exaggerated huh? XD). Hentikanlah niat kalau rasa nak pegang kamera nak snap view, sebab besar kemungkinan kamera kau akan ditelan penyu kat dasar laut tu.

Lagi sekali kes buat aku exploded bila dah sampai pulau tu. Tapi takpelah, malas nak share, sure orang betul-betul ingat aku kaki hanginn nanti. Insiden menyirap kena tunggu almost 1 hour. Kau rase? Haha. Intentionally, I happened to grade this package as 5* but I just can’t, simply because of their not-that-horrible management.
Enough for that.

So, that evening we proceed with pre-snorkeling activity as written in the itinerary. Excited ;) Laut sejernih saliva tahu tak. Haha. After Wani had enough courage with snorkeling skill, then only we decided to go to a deeper area. And of course with her hands holding mine. I’m glad she has that courage. And cannot be deny, I’m over excited to see those people jumped down, doing free fall from that landing box and even from the jetty. Syaitonn.. Haha. Dah lama lepas tu, Wani pun macam dah penat, aku bawak dye lepak kat landing box tu. And soon after that, I’ve got a good feeling, it’s my time brooohh ;P Aku pun acah2 la terjun dari landing box yg  tak seberapa tu. And lepas tu, aku ajak pulak dak2 lain ni terjun dari atas jetty tu. Tinggi weh. Baru thrilled. Seriously. Dok pendam2 tadi an, nah amekkauu. Aku peghati kecik beso je dari tadi. Sedih tak bawak camera. Haha. Terasa dunia ni aku yg punya. Baru sampai negeri orang pagi tadi, belum matahari terbenam lagi dah menampakkan kelibat syaitonn yg hakiki. Hahaha. Aku memang hantu air, undeniable.

Malam tu lepas makan kitorang kumpul dengan kakak2 and abang2 bilik sebelah. They insisted for an ice breaking. So why not.? *wink wink*. Diorang satu gang, just like us. But on average their age around 27 and the youngest pun 24. The centerpiece was kitorang karaoke sama2. They brought a guitar and also ukulele. Kelakar and tersangatlah happening. That’s how our first night was.

Get ready fellas ;)
Next morning we went to 4 points which basically are turtle point, shark point, etc.. Seriously, you can see a lot of incredible views on the ocean’s base. Aku tak tipu weh. In fact, those little cute fishes gigit2 roti kat jari aku. Subhanallah, kalaulah aku bawak kamera time tu. Tapi yg penting aku masuk camera mat saleh ni, because he recorded the moment when I fed those fishes underwater. Haha. Acah actress Hollywood sgt.

Petang tu kitorang pergi tengok kincir angin pulak. This time we brought our camera along. Sbb Syera cakap dia taknak main basah2, so that bolehlah jagakan barang. Haha. So this time bolehlah aku show off pics sikit. Muehehe. And balik tu, kebetulan kitorang kene naik sekali dgn kakak2 abang2 bilik sebelah tu. As soon as kitorang naik, makin obvious pulak sesi scandal tu. Tak habis dgn yg semalam. Nasib dia jenis malu2, kawan2 dia je yg exaggerated sgt. And macam biase lah, ignoring is always the best form of action. Haha. Aku datang sini nak have fun, bukan nak cari soulmate, darlin’. Haha.
Kincir Angin

Sepetang bersama Giant Coconut

Long beach

That night was the climax; Barbeque time ;)

Then tomorrow is our time to go back to where we belong ;) Merayau seketika kat Bandar sbb nak tunggu bas kitorang pukul 9pm. Mereput sampai malam and we’re heading back to KL ;) 

Pasar at Kuala Besut

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